English Basic Test 3: Simple Present


This English Basic Test consists of 10 multiple-choice questions about Simple Present Tense. 

1. Choose the correct option:

How do you …........ that?

2. Complete the sentence:

She …......... a car. 

3. The sentence is true or false

They don’t has a laptop.

4. The sentence is true or false

Does he have a dog?

5. Choose the correct option:

He …................ a book.

6. Complete the sentence:

She …......... in a big company.

7. The sentence is true or false

 I doesn't eat sushi.

8. Choose the correct option:

…........ she have a phone?

9. Complete the sentence:

I ........ to a football match on Sundays.

10. Choose the correct option:

My sister ................ play tennis.